Hoop and Health Website Link

Gregg Johnson, pioneer Physical Therapist, teaches the approach of "Functional Mobilization" which also can be achieved with the hoola hoop!
Joseph Pilates understood that "all movement comes from the core" & "moving without tension causes more body awareness" . This can be felt with the hoola hoop!
Dr. JP Barral, world acclaimed Osteopath, says " An organ in good health has physiological movement" and the hoop causes movement within the abdomen often resulting in organ stimulation
Ola Grimsby, world renowned Physical Therapist, says "Movement is the key to life"

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Tutorial #1: Tips To Start Hooping Again

Large hoop that stands between belly button and chest
Full length mirror
Favorite Dance Music
-Start by standing in front of your mirror without your hoop
-Feel relaxed, loose, and fabUlous!
-Place either foot in front (stride stance)
-With relaxed knees, rock back and forth fully accepting weight into each foot
-Use the mirror to see where you are stiff. Breathe and relax into that area...You look Great!
-Now you are ready to pick up your hoop!!!
-Show some skin on your belly to help the hoop stick more to your body
-Use all the above techniques to move with your hoop
-If you have your right foot in front, spin your hoop to the left and if you put your left foot in
front, spin your hoop to the right
-Use your mirror for feedback and have FUN!
-Give your body time to warm up and feel the music
-Now your having fun and getting a full body workout

This is the beginning of your fitness and lower back exercise program!

Jodi Jainchill PT, CFMT

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