Hoop and Health Website Link

Gregg Johnson, pioneer Physical Therapist, teaches the approach of "Functional Mobilization" which also can be achieved with the hoola hoop!
Joseph Pilates understood that "all movement comes from the core" & "moving without tension causes more body awareness" . This can be felt with the hoola hoop!
Dr. JP Barral, world acclaimed Osteopath, says " An organ in good health has physiological movement" and the hoop causes movement within the abdomen often resulting in organ stimulation
Ola Grimsby, world renowned Physical Therapist, says "Movement is the key to life"

Monday, January 25, 2010

Newbie Hoopie Award's Honorable Mention

Jodi got nominated as an Honorable Mention for the Newbie Hoopie Awards...what an honor...thank you hoop community...Hoop Love

'There were so many Newbie Hooper of the Year nominations submitted, more than 50, that Hooping.org fully admits it was difficult to keep track of them all. The following Newbie Hoopers: Amy Rogers of Ocala, Florida, Jodi Jainchill of Miami, Florida, Misty Smith of Georgetown, Texas, Nicole "Sensesublimity" Bair in Normal, Illinois, Rachel "RoxyStormHoops" Coles in the UK, and Julie "Slang" Beloussow in Torrance, California, all receive our Honorable Mention. In what was the tightest race, all of these hooping newcomers were tied and only one vote away from a final nomination. Next year we're going to require a video link in this category to help level the playing field.'

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